Monday, March 22, 2010

Happily Ever Afterworld

In the article, "Microserfs" we witnessed Dan trying to pain a picture of an afterworld. In hopes of finding what others think he asks ten colleagues but not one can offer up their own image. This quest led me to think of ideas of an afterworld myself.

I like to think of life after death as a good thing but, who wouldn't? If each and everyone of us thought that what happened after you passed was going to be horrible we would waste our lives away trying to stay alive. Our lives would become a never ending search for the fountain of youth. I find it natural to assume an afterlife will be nice. Most humans find comfort in thinking that "This Life on Earth" is one book in a series and the second, entilted "Afterlife," is better. Besides preparing ourselves for the inevitable, the idea of an afterlife helps us get through the death of a loved one. No one wants to believe that grandma Anne or uncle Jack is going to burn in the pits of Hell.

So we lead ourselves to believe in a world outside ours. What is difficult is painting a picture of this afterworld. For the sake of me not knowing what it is really like to live after dying I will only offer my suggestions as to what I would like to experience. As far as weather on planet Afterearth, sunshine and blue skies. There is something about the sun that makes us all warm inside and smiley outside. Personally, I just love to feel the sun's rays on my skin. The terrain will be very untouched, without the infrastructure and industrialization. All that jazz the environmentalists rant on about that is ruining our planet should not do damage to the afterworld. The inhabitants? Dead but still very much alive, kind people who have found themselves without air in their lungs and blood flowing through their veins. A bit of a Pleasantville for those who have taken destiny up on its date offer.

I put a bit of a grim spin on my description of the people but what is important to neither Dan's search nor my picture is not who will be in the afterworld but rather what I imagine it to be. Everyone can paint their own image but no one will get their Kodak moment until they close the book that is "Life as We Know It."

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